Mesha ~ ማሴ ሞሳ: middle district, Vulgate, Messa / EBD, ( 10:30) (2 ነገ 3:4)
A plain in that part of the boundaries of Arabia inhabited by the descendants of Joktan, “And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the east.” (Gen 10:30)
Other people with the same name are: The king of Moab who was tributary to Ahab (2 Kin 3:4); Heb. meysh'a, "deliverance," the eldest son of Caleb (1 Chr 2:42); A Benjamite, son of Shabaraim by his wife Hodesh, who bore him in the land of Moab (1 Chr 8:9)
ማሴ ~Mesha: ማሳ ማሳዬ እር ቦታ ማለት ነው።

ማሳ ከሚለው ቃል የተገኘ የቦታ ስም ነው።

በዚህ ስም የሚታወቁ አንድ ሰው እና አንድ ቦታ አሉ።
·                     እስራኤላ በአረብ ምድር የሰፈሩበት፣ የቦታ ስም፥ ስፍራቸውም ማሴ አንሥቶ ወደ ስፋር ሲል እስከ ምሥራቅ ተራራ ድረስ ነው። ( 10:30)
·                     የአባቶች ቤቶች አለቆች ከነበሩ የሸሐራይ ልጅ፥ (1 ዜና 8:9)

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