Guard ~ ዘበኞቹ: the bodyguard of the kings of Egypt / EBD, (ዘፍ 3736)
The word Guardis derived from Garede(ጋረደ) the meaning is shield, protect... / Ibid
The bodyguard of the kings of Egypt, officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the Guard (Gen 37:36)
ዘበኞቹ ~Guard: ጋርድ፣ ርድ፣ የሚከልል፣ የሚጠብቅ ማለት ነው።
Guard- ጋረደ ከሚለው ግስ የመጣ ስም ነው።
የፈ ዘበኞች፥እነዚያ የምድያም ሰዎች ግን ዮሴፍን በግብፅ ለፈርዖን ጃንደረባ ዘበኞቹ አለቃ ለጲጥፋራ ሸጡት (ዘፍ 3736)

Gourd ~ ቅል: Jonah's gourd, (ዮና 46-10)
The word gourdis derived from Garede(ጋረደ) the meaning is shield, protect... / Ibid
“And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd” (Jon 4:6-10)
ቅል ~Gourd: ርድ፣ መጋረጃ ከለላ፣ ጥላ ማለት ነው።

Gourd- ጋረደከሚለው ግስ የተገኘ ስም ነው።

ዮና በመ በደከመ ፀኃይ ንድ እግዚአብ ያዘጋጀለ ክል፥እግዚአብሔር አምላክም ቅል አዘጋጀ፥ ከጭንቀቱም ታድነው ዘንድ በራሱ ላይ ጥላ እንድትሆን በዮናስ ላይ ከፍ ከፍ አደረጋት ዮናስም ስለ ቅሊቱ እጅግ ደስ አለው:” (ዮና 46-10)

Gopher ~ ጎፈር: “Gopher” means pitch / SBD, (ዘፍ 614)
A tree from the wood of which Noah was directed to build the ark, “Make thee an ark of gopher wood...” (Gen 6:14)
ጎፈር ~Gopher: ጎፈ ማለት ነው።

ጎፈረ ከሚለው ቃል የተገኘ የእንጨት ስም ነው።

[ጥድን የሚመስል ዛፍ / መቅቃ]
የሰራበ የእንጨት ስም፣ጎፈር እንጨት መርከብን ለአንተ ሥራ በመርከቢቱም ጉርጆችን አድርግ፥ በውስጥም በውጭም በቅጥራን ለቅልቃት (ዘፍ 614)

Admah ~ አዳማ: The name “Admah” means earthy; red; bloody / HBN, (ዘፍ 1019) ... [Related term(s):- AdamAdamahAdami]
The name Admah is derived from ‘A’deme’ (ደመ the meaning is ‘bloody’ (reddish). And also means (being alive,  life) / Ibid.
One of the "cities of the plain," always coupled with Zeboim, “And the border of the Canaanites ... Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha.” (Ge10:19)
አዳማ ~Adamah, Admah: አደማ አደ ቀይ፣ አፈራማ  ደማዊ ወገ ዘመድ፣ ተወላጅ ማለት ነው። [ተዛማጅ ስሞችአዱሚም አዳሚ አዳም]

አደም’ ከሚለው ቃል የመጣ ስም ነው።

በዚህ ስም የሚታወቁ ሁለት ቦታዎች አሉ 

I.                        አዳማ /Adamah, Admah: በጢባሮስ ወንዝ በስተምዕራብ የንፍታሌ ድንር፥ “ረቃት፥ ኬኔሬት፥ አዳማ...” ( 19:36)

II.                        አዳማ/ Admahየከነዓን ድንር፥ (ዘፍ 1019)

Goliath ~ ጎልያድ: The name “Goliath” means passage; revolution; heap / HBN; Great / EBD, (1 ሳሙ 174)
The root word for Goliathis ‘Gelayath’ (ገላያት) the meaning is ‘body; bodies’ / Ibid.
A famous giant of Gath, “And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.” (1 Sam 17:4)

ጎልያድ ~Goliath: ገላት፣ ገላያት ትልቅ አካ ግዙፍ፣ ትልቅ  ማለት ነው።
ዊት በወንጭፍ የገደለው፣ የጌት ሰው የፍልስጤማውያን ጀግና፥ ከፍልስጥኤማውያንም ሰፈር የጌት ሰው ጎልያድ ቁመቱም ስድስት ክንድ ከስንዝር የሆነ፥ ዋነኛ ጀግና መጣ።” (1ሳሙ 174)

Golgotha ~ ጎልጎታ: The name “Golgotha” means a heap of skulls; something skull-shaped / HBN, (ማቴ 2733)
The word Golgotha is derived from Gela’ (ገላ) and ‘Gota’ (ጎታ) The meaning is hipe of bodies / Ibid.
The Hebrew name of the spot at which our Lord was crucified, “And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull,” (Mat 27:33), (Mat 27:33; Mar 15:22; Joh 19:17)
ጎልጎታ ~Golgotha: ገለ ጎታ ገላ ጎታ፣ የአካል ክምር የራስ ቅል ማለት ነው።

ገላ እናጎታ ከሚሉ ቃላት የተመሠረተ ነው።

ጌታ የሰቀሉበት ስፍራ፥ትርጓሜው የራስ ቅል ስፍራ ወደሚሆን ጎልጎታ ወደሚባለው ስፍራ በደረሱ ጊዜም፥...” (ማቴ 2733)

God, the Almighty ~ ኤልሻዳይ: The LORD / EBD, (ዘፍ 17:1))
“And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. ... (Ge 17:1)
ኤልሻዳይ ~God, the Almighty: ኤል ሻዳይ፣ ሁሉን ቻይ፣ ምንም የማይሳነው ማለት ነው።
እግዚአብሔር ለአብራም የገለጠለት ስም፥ አብራምም የዘጠና ዘጠኝ ... እግዚአብሔር ለአብራም ተገለጠለትና። እኔ ኤልሻዳይ በፊቴ ተመላለስ፥ ፍጹምም ሁን” ( 171)