Manger ~ ግርግም: It means a crib or feeding trough / SBD, ( 2:7 12 16...)
The name manger is derived from Magor’ (ማጎ) the meaning is storage / Ibid
The place where the infant Redeemer was laid, “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.(Luk 2:7, 12, 16); Crib- (Job 39:9)
ግርግም ~Manger: ማጎር ማጎሪያ፣ ማከማቻ፣ ግርግም፣ በረት፣ የእንስሳት ክፍል ማለት ነው።
Manger-አጎረ ከሚለው ቃል የመጣ ስም ነው።
v    ጌታ የተወለደበ የቤ ክፍል፥የበኵር ልጅዋንም ወለደች፥ በመጠቅለያም ጠቀለለችው፤ በእንግዶችም ማደሪያ ስፍራ ስላልነበራቸው ግርግም አስተኛችው” ( 2:7 12 16...)
v    ጐሽ ያገለግልህ ዘንድ ይታዘዛልን? ወይስ ግርግም አጠገብ ያድራልን?” ( 39:9)

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