Hege ~ ሄጌ: another form of the preceding (Hegai) / SBD, (አስ 23)
The name Hege is derived from Hagi’ (ሐጊ) the meaning is ‘legal, lawful…’ / Ibid.
... to the house of the women, unto the custody of Hege the king's chamberlain, keeper of the women; and let their things for purification be given them:” (Est 2:3)
ሄጌ ~Hegai, Hege: ሃጌ፣ ሐጊ፣ ዊ፣ ህግ አክባሪ፣ ህግን የጠበቀ ማለት ነው።

ሐገ ከሚለው ግስ የመጣ ስም ነው።

I.                        ሄጌ /Hegai: ...ብዙም ቈነጃጅት ወደ ሱሳ ግንብ ወደ ሄጌ እጅ በተሰበሰቡ ጊዜ፥ አስቴር ወደ ንጉሡ ቤት ወደ ሴቶች ጠባቂው ወደ ሄጌ ተወሰደች።” (አስ 28)
II.                        ሄጌ /Hege: የንጉሡ የአርጤክስስ ጃንደረባ ሄጌ (አስ 23)

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