Heber ~ ሔቤር: “Heber” means alliance / SBD, (ዘፍ 4617) ...[Related term(s):- Eber, Hebrew, Ibri]
The name Heber is derived from Hbr(ህብር) the root word is ‘Abere’ (አበረ) the meaning is to associate, cooprate... / Ibid
See also:- Heber / አቤር Heber / ዔቤር
Grandson of the patriarch Asher,.... and the sons of Beriah; Heber, and Malchiel” (Gen 46:17) from who came the Heberites (Num 26:45)
Other people with the same name are: The father of Socho; a Judite (1 Chr 4:18); A Benjamite (1 Chr 8:17); The husband of Jael, who slew Sisera by driving a nail into his temple (Jud 4:21, 22); The patriarch Eber,Which was the son of Saruch, which was the son of Ragau, which was the son of Phalec, which was the son of Heber, which was the son of Sala,” (Luk 3:35); A Gadite (1 Chr 5:13) ; A Benjamite (Chr 8:22, 23)
ሔቤር ~Heber: ህብር፣ ባሪ፣ ረዳት ተባባ ማለት ነው። [ተዛማች ስሞች- ዔቦር አቤር ዔብሪ ዔብሮን አቤር ዔቤር ዔብሮና ዕብራዊ ኦቦር ኬብሮን]

አበረ ከሚለው ግስ የተገኘ ስም ነው።

በዚህ ስም የሚታወቁ አራት ሰዎች አሉ።
1.                  ከአሴር ወገን፣ የበሪዓ ጅ፥ ሔቤር “...የበሪዓ ልጆችም ሔቤር መልኪኤል። (ዘፍ 4617)
2.                  አይሁዊው፣ የሦኮን አባት ሔቤር (ዜና 4:18)
3.                  ከቢኒያም ወገን የሆነው፥ ሔቤር (ዜና 8:1718)
4.                  ሲሣራን የገደለች የኢያዔል ል፥ ሔቤር (መሣ 4:21)

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