Shulamite ~ ሱነማይቱ: The name “Shulamite” means peaceable; perfect; that recompenses / HBN, (1 ነገ 1:3)
The name Shulamite is derived from Selamayt’ (ሰላማይት) the meaning is peaceable / Ibid.
Shunammite, “So … damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king.” (1 kin 1:3)
ሱነማይቱ ~Shunammite: ሰላማዊት ተባባሪ ማለት ነው። [ተዛማጅ ስም- ሱነማዊት]
ሰላም ከሚለው ቃል የመጣ ስም ነው።
·                     ንጉሡ ዳዊት ሸመገለ ጊዜ ያገባት፥በእስራኤልም አገር ሁሉ የተዋበች ቈንጆ ፈለጉ ሱነማይቱ አቢሳንም አገኙ፥ ወደ ንጉሡም ይዘዋት መጡ። (1 ነገ 1:3)
·                     ሱነማዊት- [2 ነገ 4:12]

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