Ahio ~ አሒዮ: “Ahio” means brotherly / SBD, (1 ዜና 137) ... [Related term(s):- Ahi]
The name Ahio is derived from Ayawa’ (አያዋ) the meaning is my brother / Ibid.
One of the sons of Abinadab the Levite; While Uzzah went by the side of the ark, he walked before it guiding the oxen which drew the cart on which it was carried, after having brought it from his father's house in Gibeah,... of Abinadab: and Uzza and Ahio Drave the cart.” (1 Chr 13:7)
Other people with the same name are: One of the sons of Beriah (1 Chr 8:14); One of the sons of Jehiel the Gibeonite (1 Chr 8:31; 9:37)
አሒዮ ~Ahio: አሒዮ አሂዋ፣ አያዋ፣ ወንድሜ፣ ወዳጀ፣ ጓደኛዬ፣ አለኝታዬ ማለት ነው።

አያዋ ከሚለው ቃል የመጣ ስም ነው።

በዚህ ስም የሚታወቁ ሦስት ሰዎች አሉ።
1.                  ከዳዊትጋ በይሁዳ ካለች ከበኣል ተነሥተው በኪሩቤል ላይ በተቀመጠ በሠራዊት ጌታ በእግዚአብሔር ስም የተጠራውን የእግዚአብሔርን ታቦት ከዚያ ካመጡ የአሚናዳብ ጅ፥ (ዜና 13:7) (2 ሳሙ 6:3 4)
2.                  የበሪዓ ጅ፥አሒዮ ሻሻቅ፥ ይሬምት፥” (ዜና 8:14)
3.                  የይዒኤል ልጅ (ዜና 8:31 9:37)

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