Adam ~ አዳም: The name “Adam” means earthy; red / HBN, (ዘፍ 219) ... [Related term(s):- Admah, Adamah, Adami]
The name Adam is derived from the wood ‘A‘dem’ (ደም) The meaning is ‘blood’; It can be interprated as ‘relative, alive, or red’ depending on the context. / Ibid.
It was the name given to the first man, “... and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.;” (Gen 2:19); Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created;” (Gen 5:2);That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, (Jos 3:16)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------አዳም ~Adam: አደመ አደም፣ አዳም፣ ደማም፣ ቀይ፣ ደማዊ፣ እስትንፋስ ያለው፣ ህያው ማለት ነው። [ተዛማጅ ስሞች- አዱሚም አዳሚ አዳማ]
ደም ከሚለው ቃል የመጣ ስም ነው።
በዚህ ስም የሚታወቁ ሦስት ሰዎች አሉ።
v    እግዚአብ አም የፈጠረ የመጀመ ው፥ (ዘፍ 219)
v    የሰ ሁሉ ጠራል፥የአዳም ... እግዚአብሔር አዳም በፈጠረ ቀን በእግዚአብሔር ምሳሌ አደረገው(ዘፍ 51)
v    አዳም መጠ ንንም ያጠቃላላል፥ወንድና ሴት አድርጎ ፈጠራቸው፥ ባረካቸውም። ስማቸውንም በፈጠረበት ቀን አዳም ብሎ ጠራቸው” (ዘፍ 5:2)

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