Asaph ~ አሳፍ: Convener or collector / EBD; the name “Asaph” means who gathers together / HBN, (1 ዜና 639)
The name Asaphis derived from A’Sef(ሰፍ) the meaning is increased, multiplied, reproduced’/ Ibid.
A Levite; one of the leaders of David's choir, “And his brother Asaph, who stood on his right hand ...” (1 Chr 6:39)
The other person with the same name: The "keeper of the king's forest," to whom Nehemiah requested from Artaxerxes a "letter" that he might give him timber for the temple at Jerusalem (Neh 2:8)
አሳፍ ~Asaph: አሰፍ አሰፋ፣ አበዛ፣ ተራባ፣ ቁጥሩና ግዛቱ ጨመረ ማለት ነው።

ሰፋ ከሚለው ቃል የመጣ ስም ነው።

የበራክያ ልጅ፥በቀኙም የቆመ ወንድሙ አሳፍ ነበረ አሳፍ የበራክያ ልጅ፥” (1 ዜና 639) ( 2:8)

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